Pictured at the end of their wonderful celebration meal at Katie’s Homemade Kitchen, Trustees and staff of Marsden Community Trust mark the completion of refurbishment works financed by the National Lottery. A generous cash injection by Kirklees Council unlocked the grant, made possible by the purchasers of National Lottery tickets, and
secures the village’s future use of Marsden Mechanics, the ‘people’s centre’.
Chair of the Trust, Tom Lonsdale, says “It really is important for the village community to understand how much voluntary work goes into attracting grants of this scale and then ensuring that the work is done to a high standard.We are also fortunate to have a community spirited contractor in Byram Construction Ltd, who worked with Mechanics staff to get the work done whilst the building continued in active use.”There are several vacancies on the Trust Board, so new Trustees are urgently sought: please get in touch (info@marsdenmechanics.co.uk) if you have some of the skills that we need, especially a Treasurer and someone to crank up our fund-raising, marketing and communications.